Bringing your ideas to life
Meet Junive

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for stopping by my little shop! For those of you who don't know me my name is Junive and I am a DACA recipient. Currently I work a full time job as well as studing for my NCLEX and starting my Nursing MS program (which is why our production time is a bit longer). I work on orders in between work and studying for school.
Liberada Designs was created as a way for me to continue my crafting passion, to destress from my crazy and hectic life while also helping to fund my education. If you weren't aware until recently DACA recipients like myself and Undocumented student had to pay out of state tuition to attend a college/university in AZ, despite having grown up here.
Message me if you have any questions or would like to place a custom order for something you don't see listed yet. Be on the lookout for new listings and designs as they are made.
Con Mucho Amor
-Liberada Designs